Adult T&Cs
For adult students who are studying at St Brelade’s College in 2024
We want to ensure that you know what to expect regarding your stay in Jersey. You can find full details of our policies in our general terms & conditions below. By making payment for your course, you are agreeing to these terms & conditions.
1. Course & accommodation fees

- Tuition & use of class materials
- Social programme (April-October) – transport and entrance fees for up to 4 afternoon activities (depending on the course chosen). Afternoon activities/excursions are included for courses of 1-3 weeks. Subsequent weeks do not include excursions.
- Single room accommodation
- Use of all linen and towels etc (please bring beach towels)
- Breakfast & dinner in homestay/light continental breakfast at the residence
- Transport to and from the study centre each day (unless staying within walking distance)
- Airport/harbour transfers (homestay only)
- A light laundry service is provided weekly (homestay only)
- Travel costs to Jersey
- Personal insurance (see 4.2)
- Spending money
- Food & drinks costs for evening social programme (students should expect to pay approximately £20-£25)
- Transport for evening and weekend activities (a private bus may be offered for the pub dinner picking up from St Helier and St Brelade’s College)
- Specific dietary requirements, catering for special diets, intolerances and allergies may incur an additional charge of £27.50 per week if staying in homestay
A £200 deposit is required to confirm the course. Thereafter, all fees must be paid in full at least 4 weeks prior to arrival. St Brelade’s College reserves the right to refuse to provide services to students if the course fees have not been paid.
The following cancellation terms apply for all bookings taking place in 2024:
- 22+ days notice: £200 deposit
- 1 – 21 days notice: 1 week (tuition & homestay/residence fees) + £200 deposit
Separate cancellation policies apply to private accommodation bookings.
2. Classes

- Maximum class size: 10 students for general English classes
- St Brelade’s College accepts students of all ages and nationalities. In the summer, the main study centre is used for adults and older teenagers (16 & 17 years) with a separate centre for holiday course students (12-16 years).
- At other times of year – especially during school holidays – there may be groups of younger students studying at the centre.
- Separate classes & student lounges are provided for adults and juniors, however during school holidays teenagers (16+ years) may join adult classes when following the intensive course. All other areas of the centre are shared by adults and juniors.
- In especially busy periods, extra classrooms may be required. Normally, these will be for private classes, and in all cases, nearby rooms of a similar standard will be used and transport will be provided if required.
If students are unable to attend school for any reason they should telephone the office as early as possible to notify them of their absence. If they are unable to telephone or email they should speak to the office as soon as they return to school.
Anti-social behaviour by students toward staff, students or homestay providers is not accepted and at the discretion of the school may result in expulsion without refund. This could include any form of aggressive or abusive behaviour, inappropriate conduct, religious extremism, racial/homophobic behaviour or the influence of drink/drugs.
Classes may include students on other programmes, however the majority of the students in the class are aged 50 years or over. Some excursions and social evenings are also shared with other adult students.
3. Accommodation

Homestay/residence accommodation fees are payable by the week. Extra nights may be accepted by prior arrangement at an extra fee. We request students arrive Saturday or Sunday and depart Saturday. Sunday departures are only accepted by prior arrangement and may incur an extra fee in addition to any extra nights payable.
Homestay providers include families, couples, individuals, single parents and retired people. Accommodation normally includes a shared bathroom and students should be aware that they could be located in a homestay anywhere in Jersey. For students who wish to be assured of a private bathroom and a location near the study centre or the main town, we recommend booking a guest house or student residence.
Homestay accommodation includes breakfast and dinner plus use of linen and towels. Homestay providers are expected to provide a light laundry once per week.
If a student wishes to change or cancel their homestay after arrival, they must have a valid reason i.e. that the homestay has not met the standards set out in our guidelines. Students must speak to Student Services first to give a full account of the issue and if it is felt that it a small problem or misunderstanding which can be resolved without moving the student then the school reserves the right to do so. However, in the case where it can be demonstrated that the accommodation is not acceptable then the school will move the student. In all other cases, if students wish to move or cancel they will be required to give a notice period of one week, with payment for this period.
Included in the price of the residence is a light continental breakfast (high season only), towels & linen (not including beach towels), weekly room cleaning. Students can use the communal kitchen in the evenings and must clear up after themselves. Students may also use the laundry room at specified times for a small fee.
Transfers to the residence are not provided. Students will be given details of how to access the residence in advance, however their room may not be ready until after 15:00. Bags can be left in the storeroom prior to check-in.
There may be times when there are children staying in the residence, when accompanied by their parents.
St Brelade’s College provides a public bus pass for students staying in homestay accommodation (unless within walking distance of the study centre). The location of the bus stops is normally around 5 to 10 minutes walk from the homestay but in some cases students may have to walk for up to 20 minutes to the location of the bus stop. In most cases students should expect to spend around 30 minutes on the bus, although in some cases the scheduled journey time may be up to 1 hour.
Peterborough House adult residence is a 5-10 minute walk from the study centre.
4. Other

Prior to arrival, all students are requested to inform the school if they have any specific allergies, are taking any medication or require any special medical treatment. This includes special educational learning needs.
In the event of a healthcare emergency, staff will carry out basic First Aid on students or will seek emergency medical aid.
If a student tests positive for Covid-19 it may still be necessary to stay at home for a period of time until they feel better. We advise that all students have travel insurance in place to cover them, in the event that they test positive either before travel or whilst in Jersey and cannot participate in the course.
Students are advised that Jersey does not offer free emergency medical treatment for many countries and they may be required to pay for any medical treatment. For more information on which countries Jersey does have reciprocal healthcare agreements with, go to For non-urgent medical problems, an appointment with a doctor may be required, and students will be expected to pay the doctors fees (around £80).
St Brelade’s College has some wheelchair accessible areas and facilities, however some aspects of the programme e.g. transportation may require extra organisation. We recommend students requiring wheelchair access contact us to discuss their needs before booking.
We strongly advise students to take out insurance at the time of booking the trip. This should ensure cover if the student needs to cancel the course before departure or during their stay due to factors such as illness (e.g. Covid-19), emergency medical expenses, travel costs and personal belongings etc. Special insurance for language course students can be purchased from some insurance providers.
St Brelade’s College will attempt to resolve any complaints quickly and fairly. In such an event, students should explain their cause for complaint as soon as is practicably possible to the management. Where it can be proven that the grounds for complaint are just, the school will attempt to rectify the problem immediately.
St Brelade’s College, its staff and representatives accept no liability for loss, damage or injury to property or persons, except where liability is expressly imposed by law. St Brelade’s College will not be liable in the event that any service contracted to be supplied by us becomes impossible to supply for any reason outside our control.
Students are always consulted at the time of taking photos. By agreeing to the use of photography or videos taken by St Brelade’s College staff, you are allowing the school to use these for the promotion of the school and it’s programmes through social media updates and promotional materials, such as brochures, leaflets and the website. If requested, St Brelade’s College will stop using images at any time, in which case they will not be used in future promotions but may continue to appear in promotions already in circulation. These images have no commercial or contractual value.
St Brelade’s College has a duty of care to children and young people attending the school and aims to ensure that staff, group leaders, accommodation providers and other suppliers help to keep them safe. Visit our student safeguarding policy website.
St Brelade’s College understands its responsibilities under the Counter Terrorism & Securities Act 2015 to prevent people of all ages being radicalised or drawn into terrorism and seeks to meet its obligations following its policies and procedures. PREVENT training is considered part of safeguarding and so concerns about radicalisation would also be reported.
For more general information about taking a language course in the UK, please visit the English UK website.
The British Council has also created useful guides on making the most of the stay abroad.