We have compiled a list of questions about hosting for you to consider. It's useful to think about the process of hosting, how students will fit in to your home and whether it will be an enjoyable experience for you. Please complete this before your home visit or with our Student Services Director when she visits your home.
1. Why are you interested in the idea of hosting students and what do you hope to gain from this experience?*
2. What can you offer as a homestay for students?*
3. What do you think will be the most difficult adjustment to having a new family member will be?*
4. If applicable, how do you think your children will relate to a teenager living in your home?
5. How do you plan to overcome any problems or misunderstandings that may arise?*
6. Are you happy to allow the student access to all rooms of the home and use of the facilities (apart from your bedroom or your children’s, or a private study)?* YesNo
7. Are you willing to try to integrate students into your family life and encourage them to practise their English?* YesNo
8. Are you willing to eat evening meals with students and use this time to check in with younger students or have discussions with older students?* YesNo
9. Have you or your children had any involvement with the Children’s Services?* YesNo
Provide your details and we will contact you with details of the FREE online course.
Preferred course* Pre intermediate: 15th-19th MarchIntermediate: 22nd-26th March
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