Personal reference request

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    Please complete the reference request form below

    The applicant/s is/are being assessed against a set of ‘core skills’ identified as those needed when caring for students who are living away from their own home and English is not their first language. If you feel unable to comment, or would like to discuss this enquiry further, please contact us.

    Any information will be treated in the strictest confidence, but under the provision of the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018, we may be obliged to show this reference check and other supplied information to the applicant.

    Reference request form

    Do you think the applicant/s will show concern for the welfare, safety and security of children, young people or adults for who English is not their first language?*

    If no, please state reason.

    Do you think the applicant/s will respect a child, young person or adult’s cultural background and be sensitive to his/her needs?*

    If no, please state reason.

    Do you consider the applicant/s temperament and habit to be suitable to look after a child or young person?*

    If no, please state reason.

    Please confirm whether the applicant/s has/have been the subject of any disciplinary sanctions and whether they have had any allegations made against them or concerns raised which relate to either the safety or welfare of children/young people or about their behaviour towards children/young people.*

    If yes, please state reason.

    I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge these details are correct.*


    Provide your details and we will contact you with details of the FREE online course.

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