Homestay reapplication

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Reapply to become a homestay provider today with St Brelade’s College

If you would like to host again for St Brelade’s College please complete the short form below. Make sure to include any changes to your circumstances including your household members, marital status, children reaching the age of 18, change of employment/work place, pets, your home. If your circumstances have changed considerably, then please complete our full application form.

* Indicates required fields

    Personal details

    Change in circumstances

    Have there been any change in circumstances since your original application?*
    eg. personal details, household members (partner/lodger), hosting requests (ages/dietary requirements), pets, bedroom arrangements, bank details for payment.

    Please specify dates that you would like to host

    Please specify any dates that you are unavailable to host e.g. holidays, visitors

    Have you had any contact with Children's Services, since your previous application?

    Do you require any more of the following materials?

    Do you agree for the school to share your name/phone number with other current hosts?
    E.g. for car shares, students trying to contact each other, checking if your student can go to another host for dinner.*

    Would you also be interested in helping out with the chaperone or other school activities (we can provide more information)?*


    I/We agree to abide by the English UK code of practice for providers of homestay accommodation for international students.
    I/We agree to abide by the St Brelade's College hosting duties.
    I/We agree to work exclusively with St Brelade's College, unless specially arranged with St Brelade's College.*

    I (main carer) agree to abide by Children (Jersey) Law 2002 and confirm that no occupant of my house has, or has ever had a police record that would render me/us unfit to be in contact with students and have never had a child removed from our care.
    I (main carer) confirm that any visiting guests to my/our home will be supervised when in my/our home and will not have unsupervised contact with students under the age of 18 years.

    I/We have read and agree to follow the code(s) of conduct outlined in the St Brelade’s College safeguarding policy.


    Provide your details and we will contact you with details of the FREE online course.

      Preferred course*

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      The following people are NOT allowed to accommodate children:

      • Anyone who has had a child removed from his/her care by order of court.
      • Anyone who has been convicted of an offence against a child.
      • Anyone who has had an order made against him or her refusing or cancelling Registration under the Day Care of Children (Jersey) Law 2002 or the Children (Jersey) Law 1969.
      • Anyone who has been disqualified from acting as a foster parent.


      • To notify the school of any changes to your circumstances.
      • To encourage the student to speak English as much as possible at home.
      • To encourage the student to feel at home and to integrate him/her as a member of the household rather than a paying guest.
      • To provide a clean and comfortable student room.
      • To provide a home environment in which it is possible for the student to carry on his/her English Studies.
      • To provide the student with a balanced and appropriate diet.
      • To show concern for the welfare, safety and security of the student during his/her stay.
      • To give the student reasonable and regular access to bathroom and laundry facilities.
      • To maintain a close liaison with us and so be in a position to help resolve any problems that the student may encounter during his/her stay.
      • To respect the student’s cultural background and be sensitive to the needs of the student.
      • To agree to be present overnight in the home when hosting students unless specially arranged with us.