Staff requirements

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Background checks and information required by staff before working for St Brelade’s College

Depending on the job position and the contact the individual will have with children in this position, the documentation, checks and induction procedures will vary accordingly.

Staff Disciplinary Procedures

In the event of an employee’s work with young people falling short of the standards required, depending on the situation, the employee will usually be offered training and guidance initially by senior staff members. Should standards not improve the employee will then receive a verbal warning followed by a first warning in writing. In the event of a continuation of poor performance the employee will be given notice of dismissal. In cases of misconduct, the employee will be invited to discuss any allegations of misconduct with the Principal or Director of Studies, who will then decide upon a course of action according to the severity of the incident. The school policy is to give a verbal warning for a first offence, followed by a written warning and, should there be insufficient improvement, the staff member may be dismissed with appropriate notice. In cases of gross misconduct a staff member may be dismissed without notice or pay in lieu of notice. In cases of safeguarding allegations, depending on the situation, a referral may be made to the Children and Families Hub and staff may be asked to stand down from their role or change their role, pending investigation.


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